Art History Professor Lauren Weingarden and French Professor Aimée Boutin from the Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics are organizing the 45th Annual Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium: Enchantment / Disenchantment at The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art in Sarasota, FL, October 31-November 2, 2019.
The conference is the largest scholarly meeting of its kind in the United States, attracting academics and researchers from all over the world. The colloquium hosts formal and informal discussions about nineteenth-century French studies, and fosters the development of collaborative projects and original research. For more information about the NCFS Association and how to join or subscribe to their mailing list, see ncfs-assn.byu.edu.

Professor Weingarden specializes in nineteenth- and twentieth-century art, architecture, literary theory, postmodern critical theory, and word-and-image studies. She has published and presented extensively in the United States and internationally, and has authored numerous articles on nineteenth-century French modernity including her most recent article “Mirroring Naturalism in Word and Image: A Critical Exchange between Émile Zola and Edouard Manet” in Ekphrastic Encounters: New Interdisciplinary Essays on Literature and the Visual Art. Professor Boutin’s research interests include nineteenth-century French poetry, women writers, cultural history, gender studies, art history, and the city in literature. Her recent book is titled City of Noise: Sound and Nineteenth-Century Paris.
Call for Papers, submit by March 15, 2019. Contact Drs. Weingarden and Boutin for more details about the 2019 Ninteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium at The Ringling at ncfs2019@fsu.edu.