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Four FSU Art Historians Present Research at 50th Annual Byzantine Studies Conference in New York City

Art History

Four FSU doctoral students presented research at the 50th Annual Byzantine Studies Conference, which was held at the Fordham University’s Lincoln Center Campus, Columbia University, and The Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY), in New York City from October 24th to 27th, 2024.

Doctoral candidate Caitlin Mims presented “Orthodox or Occult? The Material Culture of Reproduction in the Middle Byzantine Period.” 

Doctoral candidate Madison Gilmore-Duffey presented “Unraveling an Antiquity: The Role of ‘Origin’ in the Obelisk of Theodosius in the Fourth Century.” 

PhD student Quentin Clark presented “Visualizing and Legitimizing Imperial Piety: Reconsidering the Early Byzantine Elephant.” 

PhD student Serena D’Alessandro presented “Martyrial Multivalency along the Lycian Coast: An Iconographical Case Study of Two Sixth-Century Syrian Bracelets.”

The students’ participation in the conference was supported by funding from the departmental Helen J. Beard Conference Travel Grant, College of Fine Arts Conference Travel Grants, and the FSU Congress of Graduate Students. For more information about student grants, see our Funding page.

FSU Art History graduate students at the Met, fall 2024
Hudson Kauffman, Quentin Clark, Serena D'Allesandro, Madison Gilmore-Duffey, and Caitlin Mims at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

The students’ advisor, Dr. Lynn Jones, and fellow PhD student Hudson Kauffman were also in attendance. Dr. Jones participated on a professional development panel for graduate students and early career scholars regarding the process of applying for academic jobs.

In addition to the conference, attendees were also invited to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at the World Trade Center.

Cras porttitor ornare nunc, sed vestibulum erat varius vitae. Nulla sagittis magna quis dui
vulputate, lobortis semper odio malesuada