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Internship Requirements

Art History majors may apply one 3-hour museum internship (ARH 4941) toward the upper-level requirements for the Bachelor of Arts in Art History. The student’s grade for a 3-hour internship is based on an 8–10 page research paper (on a topic arranged ahead of time with the professor), a journal of activities and the museum supervisor’s evaluation. The student is responsible for maintaining regular contact with the professor of record throughout the semester to discuss paper topics and progress.

Museum Studies minors must complete 3 hours of museum internship in any museum, preferably but not necessarily an art museum. If the student chooses 6 hours of internship (rather than 6 hours of electives), the hours may be broken up over two semesters (120 work hours each semester) or completed in one semester (240 work hours). The student signs up with an Art History professor of record who assigns a letter grade for the internship based on a term paper, journal and the museum supervisor’s evaluation.

Internship Opportunities

FSU Art History students hold internship positions in museums across the country. You can find current opportunities on the Opportunity Blog, contact an institution directly to inquire, or contact the Art History Program Specialist or Professor of Record for guidance. You can also browse opportunities on NoleNetwork: https://www.career.fsu.edu/nolenetwork and/or contact the Career Liaison for the College of Fine Arts, Anissa Ford, for help with searching for internships, preparing application materials like resumes and cover letters, and mock interviews.

Internship Registration Process

To register for an internship, the student should make arrangements with the museum’s intern coordinator and an Art History professor of record. The Internship Registration Form should be filled out and submitted to the Professor of Record. Students should secure their internship and be enrolled in the internship course (ARH 4941 Museum Studies Internship) before or by the end of Drop/Add each semester.

Internship Grades

The student’s grade for each internship is assigned by the Instructor of Record based on the following:

1) A journal of activities completed during the internship (30%) 

2) Museum Supervisor’s Final Evaluation (30%) 

3) Student’s self-assessment of the internship experience (10%)

4) A paper following the Internship Academic Requirement guidelines (30%).  

For each 3-hour internship, a 5 page paper is required. If a student elects to take all 6 internship hours in one semester, one 10 page paper is required. In this academic paper  you will analyze an aspect of museum practice based on your experience as an intern and it should include at least 6 academic sources. The essay should be typed, double-spaced, 12-point font with standard margins, and include bibliography and endnotes.  An extensive bibliography of suggested sources will be provided in the course syllabus at the beginning of the semester of your internship.

The student is responsible for maintaining regular contact with the Instructor of Record throughout the semester to discuss paper topics and progress. At the end of the internship, the student asks the the museum supervisor to fill out an Internship Evaluation Form. The student must submit this form and the required paper to the Instructor of Record by the deadline which the Instructor specifies at the beginning of the semester.