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Kyle Killian

Assistant Professor

Museum & Cultural Heritage Studies

Medieval Art & Architecture

PhD Columbia University

2031 William Johnston Building

Dr. Kyle Killian specializes in archaeology, architecture history and cultural heritage studies with a primary focus on the middle ages. His scholarship covers a range of geographic and cultural areas including Gothic France, Byzantine Cyprus, and Native North America. He has also worked for several years in cultural resource management here in the United States. He is currently working on monograph that explores the connection between the broad range of building activity at the monastery of Orbais and its religious, political, ecological, and economic landscapes.

Killian directs the Archaeological Field School for the Art History Department, which gives students the opportunity to learn the basics of archaeological and architectural recording in the field. He teaches Art Appreciation and undergraduate courses in medieval art and architecture, and graduate courses in Cultural Heritage management and theoretical approaches to Medieval Architectural History.

Graduate Seminars

Meaning in Medieval Art and Architecture

Spatial Analysis in Medieval Architecture

Gothic Architecture

Monastic Architecture and Archaeology

Selected Publications

“The Earliest Church at Ourscamp and the Long History of Cistercian ‘First Churches’ in France,” Cîteaux: Commentarii cistercienses 62 (2011): 5-35 (with Sheila Bonde and Clark Maines).

“Sondages archéologiques à Notre-Dame d’Ourscamp: Bilan provisoire des résultats, ” Cîteaux. Commentarii Cistercienses, 60 (2009): 239-271 (with Caitlin Bass, Sheila Bonde, and Clark Maines).

“Hellenistic, Roman, and Medieval Phlamoudhi,” in Joanna Smith, ed., Views From Phlamoudhi, Cyprus, The Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research vol. 63 (2008), Boston, MA: American Schools of Oriental Research, 87-97.

“L’abbaye cistercienne de Notre-Dame d’Ourscamp: reconstruction archéologique de la façade et médiévale méconnue,” Kunstchronik January 2007, 7-15 (with Sheila Bonde and Clark Maines).

“Autour des convers de Saint-Jean-des-Vignes, Soissons (Aisne): quelques hypothèses dans le contexte d’une fouille éventuelle,” Rapports Archèologique de Picardie 3/4 (2003): 103-113 (with Sheila Bonde and Clark Maines).