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FSU Art Historians at the Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel, Germany

FSU doctoral candidates Rachel Carlisle and Lacy Gillette are currently in residence at the Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel, Germany. Both are completing dissertation research on the art of early modern Germany, advised by Stephanie Leitch.

Rachel Carlisle and Lacy Gillette in front of the Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel

Rachel’s dissertation, “All’antica Augsburg: Picturing German Antiquity in the Age of Print,” examines the central role of the early modern print to the revival of antiquity in early sixteenth-century Augsburg, Germany. Her stay at the library is funded by a Rolf und Ursula Schneider-Stiftung Doctoral Fellowship and American Friends of the HAB travel grant.

Lacy Gillette on the steps of the Herzog August Bibliothek

Lacy’s project, “People Watching in Paper Worlds: Jost Amman (1539-1591), Bound Bodies and the Formation of Social Types in the Early Modern Book,” examines the way singular types of people, representative of collective groups, were created, manipulated, and transmitted via the early modern book. Her dissertation research in Germany is supported by a Mason Dissertation Research Award and American Friends of the HAB travel grant.

Study at the Herzog August Bibliothek continues to provide an amazing opportunity for me to complete my dissertation. I am eternally grateful for the hands-on experience with my primary materials; true artifacts that continue to speak across time and provide exciting surprises. I have also made a close friend of the apfelstrudel here in Wolfenbüttel!

– Lacy Gillette

Rachel Carlisle in Braunschweig

The Herzog August Bibliothek offers doctoral fellowships between 2 and 10 months for students whose dissertation topics necessitate use of the library’s holdings. The next application deadline is April 1, 2022. Doctoral candidates from the United States visiting Wolfenbüttel as fellows or guests of the Herzog August Bibliothek may also apply for travel grants of up to $2,000 from the American Friends of the HAB (no application deadline).

The Herzog August Bibliothek has been the ideal environment to complete my dissertation. I’ve grown particularly fond of my little desk in the Zeughaus, an early seventeenth-century armory turned library. The HAB is famous for its collegial environment, and I feel very lucky to have met and learned from other early modernists in Wolfenbüttel.

– Rachel Carlisle

Interested in conducting research at the Herzog August Bibliothek? Feel free to email any questions to Rachel or Lacy.