As part of a major oral history project for the International Center of Medieval Art (ICMA), Art History doctoral candidates Rachel Carlisle, Britt Boler Hunter, Sarah Mathiesen, and Caitlin Mims have been conducting interviews with scholars of medieval art history.
With the goal of preserving the unique stories and experiences of the longest-serving members and supporters, the ICMA Student Committee launched the Oral History Project in 2020. Students interview members who have made significant contributions to the study of medieval art and the ICMA. In the interviews, these members reflect on their initiation into the field, their lifelong experiences as researchers, professionals, and peers, and their involvement in the organization.
Sarah Mathiesen is serving as one of the coordinators/co-leaders of the project. In addition to coordinating and editing interviews, she helps to transcribe them for the ICMA’s internal records. The interviews are posted as podcasts, the latest cluster of which includes:
Elizabeth “Libby” Parker interviewed by Britt Boler Hunter (episode 5).
Stephen K. Scher interviewed by Rachel M. Carlisle (episode 6).
Our own Professor Emerita Paula Gerson interviewed by Sarah Mathiesen (episode 10).
Caitlin Mims recently recorded an interview with Annemarie Weyl Carr, which is currently being transcribed and prepared for publication. It will appear soon along with the complete series on the project website: