Florida State University is preparing for a cautious and gradual reopening this fall. Most courses will be taught remotely – including all but one Art History course – and safety protocols will be in place for any campus activities: masks, social distancing, and minimum occupancy.
The main office of the Department of Art History will be open during the week with at least one staff member available each day, on a rotating basis. All main office staff will also be available throughout the week via email and Zoom. The Art & Design Library will not be open to the public this fall, as it will be used as an alternative office space for graduate assistants who are teaching the survey and communications courses. The Computer Lab will be open to the public with limited occupancy rules and social distancing requirements regulated by student staff. We will provide hand sanitizer in the labs and offices, and masks will be required any time more than one person is in a room.
Additional helpful information may be found on these sites:
Virtual FSU: Return to Student Life
Resources for Online Accessibility for Off-Campus Students
Stay Healthy FSU: COVID-19 Training for Faculty & Staff
FSU Libraries Updates & Resources
COVID-19 Testing Information
Voluntary COVID-19 walk-up testing is available for FSU students and employees at the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center. To register for testing, sign up for an appointment at this site: COVID Testing at FSU, which will be updated regularly with new information. Compared to other local options, the university’s testing site is fast, simple, and results are available within a few days. Art History professors who have taken the test at FSU say it was very efficient and results were back within 48 hours. Testing is typically covered by individual’s health insurance, but the University will cover the costs of testing if the individual does not have health insurance. The site is not well marked, probably because it is not open to the public and appointments are necessary. Park at the far right/lower corner of the big Civic Center parking lot and enter at the lower level.
We urge all of our students and faculty to stay safe during these times and look out for the well-being of others.