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Undergraduate Art History Association Offers Plans for Safe Socializing this Spring

Our student organizations play a crucial role in fostering a sense of community among Art History majors and faculty. In addition to fundraising and creating promotional materials, they host social events, lecture series, book sales, and workshops. The officers of the Undergraduate Art History Association – President Maddy Muller, Vice President Mallory Glaser, Secretary Erica Lomnitz, Outreach Coordinator Gabrielle Little, and Event Coordinator Brittney Pieper – send the following update on their plans for the spring:

This semester is off to a rapid start and we want to see you! As of now our general body meetings will be held virtually over Zoom, with some scattered events in person that will be socially-distanced and masked. 

Our first general body meeting will be held on February 2nd at 7pm. To get to know you better, we’re starting the semester off with a fun activity: grab bags. In order to receive the grab bag, you will need to fill out a survey with your information. Follow us on instagram @UAHAFSU for our Zoom and survey links. We will either deliver the grab bags or have you to pick them up in a socially-distanced manner. More information will be in the survey, and we look forward to seeing you!

Our second meeting will be on February 13th at 621 Gallery. 621 is partnering with Our Climate Florida to create a mosaic that advocates for equitable climate policy and brings awareness to the climate crisis through art activism. The Gallery is hosting a tile-making party from 5 to 7 pm, so please join us if you can – socially-distanced and masked! For more information on the tile-making parties check out ourclimatefl on instagram and this link for more information on the event. Hope to see you there! 

On February 16th at 7 pm we will host a post-Valentine’s Day baking party. We’ll decorate cookies in the style of your favorite artists and play trivia games. Get your recipes ready! 

If you have any questions or you’re interested in submitting a post for instagram, please reach out to us a uahafsu@gmail.com.